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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  April 22, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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was not a state-sponsored attack and they claim they had al qaeda folks in iran but not the iranian government. the dow, an uptick. i'm shepard, see you later today. >> clearly an enemy and had more than enough weapons to make him a combatant. but the white house insisting that does not make him an enemy combatant. what it makes the 19-year-old is an american citizen who will be served up american justice, including, among other charges, federal charges today he conspired to use a weapon of mass destruction. >> neil: welcome everybody on a busy monday. more thursday charges. first to a brand new threat whose details are just emerging right now. authorities in canada and the united states stopping what they say could have been a major terrorist attack. two american are under arrest,
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and this targeting both the united states and our neighbor to the north. and tamerlan tsarnaev may be dead bus his wife is alive and well, and apparently federal officials are itching to talk to her. she claims she had no idea what her husband was up to. and bells ringing across boston to mark the exact time of those twin bombings a week ago. the president also calling for a moment of silence, along with traders on the usually loud new york stock exchange. in a moment we'll talk to the lead prosecutor in the oklahoma bombing case. first, fox coverage of the other event quickly unfolding, including mike tobin in boston with the latest on the charges and james rosen on the terror plot that officials say was just thwarted. james first to you on this canadian-u.s. thing. what was the plan? >> neil, good afternoon. canadian officials say this investigation code name project smooth, and conducted jointly by
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police intelligence, even private sector individuals, began in august of 2012 and climaxed today in the arrest and charging of two men. one age 30, and one age 35. residents respectively of montreal and toronto. these men stand formally accused with terrorist related charges, specifically of attempting to carry out what the royal canadian mounted police call an al i'd-supported attack on a via passenger train. the plot sources say was to blow up a bridge in the toronto area when a commuter train from the united states was traveling over it. officials say the two men wanted to make a big statement with a significant economic impact. u.s. sources tell fox news the two defends were in communication with people in the united states and overseas. they, quote-unquote, took steps to advance the plot and carefully watched trains. however the royal canadian mounted police say the plot was detected early on and canadian
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citizens never faced a threat. the defendants will appear for bail hearings tomorrow. >> neil: no link to what happened in boston,. >> correct. >> neil: thank you very much. now to mike tobin in boston, and the charges filed against suspect number two. mike? >> what was interesting, we found now from the criminal complaint is that they indeed -- i.d.ded. the throughout the this and i.d.ded themselves on security video not sow much for what they did but what hedo. dzhokar tsarnaev did not react with surprise when the initial bombs went off. he was standing with a crowd when the first bomb went off, and virtually every head turns towards the finish line, and apparent bewilderment and alarm. bomber two, dzhokar tsarnaev, virtually alone at the restaurant, appears calm. he glances east and then calmly
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but deliberately wrappedly heads to the west and ten seconds later the second bomb goes off. also what we see from the criminal complaint is that they identified themselves on the night of that gun battle and car chase. that coming from the carjacking victim, who tells police officers that one of the men apparently tamerlan, opened the door to his car, pointed a gun at him and said, did you hear about the boston bombings? i did that. he showed him the gun he was carrying was loaded and said, i'm serious. the court documents detail the scent gun battle. the homemade bombs being thrown out of the car and also talk about the wounds dzhokar had when he surrendered. gunshot wounds to his head, neck, legs, hand. he is charged with using a weapon of mass destruction, resulting in death. upon cop visitation the charges he is now d conviction the
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courages accommodate the death penalty. >> neil: former u.s. attorney, led the prosecution of the oklahoma city bomber, timothy mcvey. authorities, as you know, are saying this does not seem to be part of a wider conspiracy. from what you have seen and heard, do you agree? >> well, i don't think the federal authorities are saying that. i think some state officials said that. but i actually think the federal authorities are looking very carefully at whether or not this is a more expansive conspiracy or not. one of the things we did at great length and spent quite a bit of effort in the mcvey case, was to find out exactly that. i'm very confident that that's what the fbi and the u.s. attorney's office, department of justice, are doing right now, tracing back everything these people dade to see whether or not there was anybody else involved. >> neil: do you think that,
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given the nature of the attack, and the crudeness of the attack, that two young guys could have pulled this off on their own? >> definitely. definitely could have. i was thinking today, as i was reading the account in the complaint, that the been involved here was much more simplistic than the one used in oklahoma city. the components were more easily obtained. the bomb structure was simpler. this could easily be done by just two people. that doesn't mean it was. >> neil: i think smart guys like you remind us that anyone can attempt to kill you, whether homegrown or not, is a threat, and a problem. but, now, it raises another issue as to whether we have something bigger going on here that might be all home grown here, and that these are either citizens by birth or they become americans through visas're citizenship, and that they're all over the place, and they're
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angry. what too you think -- what do you think? >> that's unfortunate but as you just heard in the canadian situation, the united states is not the same place it was unfortunately pre-9/11 and the government does a very aggressive job protecting us. >> neil: i was thinking of this, and then the latest press conference in canada, and we had been so focused on keeping our airports safe, our planes safe, going through inordinately long security lines and the like, because that is where we felt the next terror attack could be, and a lot of us followed the threat, have been in that area. are we focusing on the wrong targets? do we have to expand out? what? >> well, i think that what we have seen among the international terrorists is a desire to have a big impact. they don't want to shoot off
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bombs that are smaller magnitude, although look at how horrible this was. they want to have major impact, like taking down a train or the like. so i think it does make watch our borders, exactly at we're doing. if we start to see more of a tendency for these kinds of maller level ied type attacks, the government will have to refocus. i would add that local law enforcement and responders are very focused on this kind of thing, though. we've got systems in a lot of major cities where the security cameras used for traffic, for example, can also be used to protect them. >> while they're giving us speeding tickets -- >> right. >> neil: scott, thank you very much. 19-year-old dzhokar tsarnaev has reportedly addressed some questions from authorities who have visited him at hit -- his
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hospital room in boston. we don't know for sure or how he conveyed it, but we do know the government does not think they were part of a grander conspiracy. but how shoe can they be and what if anything has suspect number two already revealed that makes them so sure? let's ask former fbi profiler mary ellen o'toole. what do you think? what could he be signaling if he signals anything that could make at least the local authorities suspect it's just the two brothers? >> well, during the interview, as much as he is providing information, he could be explaining that it was just the two of them, that they did it on their open. i suspect, too, that what they're asking is, what are the dynamics between him and his brother. and those dynamics are important because investigators are
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looking for -- out of at least the two, who is the leader, who called the shots, who made the decisions? who put together the devices and decided on when and where they would place them? so, investigators are doing almost multitasking in order to distract those -- can tract those kind of ex- >> ed appear the younger brother put the more devastating bomb in place. so, is it your sense that he was following orders from his brother? that he was just following the leader and not a leader himself? >> it has to be considered he is 19 and his brother is ol'er and he is following his brother's direction and that certainly has to be considered from this perspective. number one, is he a 19-year-old who is so callous and without
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empathy that he participated in this horrible bombing, or is he a 19-year-old who is immature and makes poor decisions, is easily led, and, therefore, was more manipulated by his brother? and those two possibilities will be eventually resolved by investigators because they're very important. >> neil: not entirely innocent if charges are true he ran over his brother when he left that night after the shootout. >> no. everything has to fit together. and the fact that he ran over his brother, was that -- they'll look at that and say was that intentional? was that more out of trying to get away herredly? it's not to take the younger bomber off the hook. at it really designed to underwhat those dynamics were, and how they were carried out so successfully. >> mary el help, thank you very-very much. >> you're welcome. >> neil: don't like waiting on
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airport security lines? starting today, deal with it. the white house says, get used to it. he lines, the waits, the patups. frustrated? you've just been success -- sequestration. >> did a group pile the gang of eight in washington? >> i say that particularly to those who are pointing to what happened in boston as a, i would say, excuse for not doing a bill or disease laying it many month0s a year. >> never said that. >> i didn't say that. >> former senator jimmy demint isn't buying it and he is here and only here to discuss that.
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and do you know your... blood type? a or b positive?? have you eaten today? i had some lebanese food for lunch. i love the lebanese. i... i'm not sure.
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enough of the formalities... lets get started shall we? jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dracula volunteering at a blood drive. we have cookies... get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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if you wait to improve the bill, offer an amendment when we start markup in may and let's vote on it. >> neil: getting all fired up as
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the clash over immigration reform was heating up, former senator and heritage foundation president, joins me on the phone. the view was, senator, that the latest problems that have come up out of box are going to delay it or used as an excuse to delay reform. you argue that shouldn't be the reason. the plan itself should be the reason. explain. >> it's bad enough as it is, the cost, and just the fact that you cannot trust the congress or the president to keep their promises on the part of this bill that would actually fix our immigration system. so, what we're insisting on at heritage is let's look at the cost. our numbers will be ready by next week. we've done an exhaustive study with a lot of scholars and it's a significant cost at a time when our debt and deficit are taking us over the cliff. >> neil: is it your sense, senator, that this is falling
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apart? i don't know whether related to boston or not. but is this following on its own weight? >> temporary trying to rush it through in a hurry, and they -- today before anyone opposed to the bill had a chance to be a part of that, and now they want to rush through markup. that means they do the amendments in committee. don't know if it's falling apart or not, burt it should -- but it should. they want this to go through before americans know what is really in it. >> neil: let's say it is falling apart and the gang of eight, whoever they are -- republicans and democrats who cobbled together what they say was 0 nonamnesty immigration reform. you say, good riddance, rip up and start from scratch. because they're saying this is the closest we have ever come or ill will if come. >> we shouldn't do the am necessary city first. that's the problem because we
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cannot trust the congress to create a workable plan. so the worst thing we can do right now is say, okay, those who are here illegally, you're legal, you got to pass the citizen -- path to citizenship and then trust us to do the rest. there's some good things in this bill that everyone should agree on that we could pull out and vote on, on a step-by-step way so americans know what we're doing and who we're going visas to toe and what are we doing on our borders. the way this bill works, the same thing we had in 2007. people get almost immediate legal status and then we have to hope that the president and congress actually carry through on fixing our immigration system. >> neil: you doubt that the enforcement part will be realized. that republicans risk being hood winked like it was charged reagan was when he offer a investigation of this in 1986. >> ronald reagan said that's the
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biggest mistake he made. but it makes no sense to say, we're going to give everyone legal status, and then get around to fixing the immigration system later. it's very costly. and there are a lot of other dangers related to the immigration system we need to fix. but holding that hostage is a political ploy and we should not fall for it. >> jimmy demint, good seeing you again -- or hearing you. neil nursing school you think this blame everything on success -- sequestration will fly? how about trying to fly today. it's the reason why the white house said you waited a very long time to flow at all. are you buying it in are they just winging it? ♪ [ lighter flicking ] [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where giving up isn't who you are. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to make things happen.
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well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. you've mastered monkey-style kung fu? no. priceline is different now. you don't even have to bid. master hahn taught you all that? oh, and he says to say (translated from cantonese) "you still owe him five bucks." your accent needs a little work.
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>> neil: attention, passengers. this is your captain speaking. we're not going system it's the damn sequester. today passengers came but before any of you buy that, you better hear this. sequestration isn't why you're waiting in those long lines. something else is. the former inspector general of the transportation department with me now. what that something keels -- else could be? pray tell what. >> politics in usual in washington, dc. for the faa the numbers don't add up. their work load has been decreasing and yet they didn't make the necessary changes to prepare for the sequestration. which they've known since last fall was coming. that's why it's just politics as usual in d.c. >> neil: so these cuts that the white house was referring to that took effect formally yesterday, aren't real? >> the cuts are real all right but the problem for the federal
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aviation administration is their real work load has been falling or forever a decade, and when they were told they had to do the sequestration last fall, logically you would have prepared and put your work force in place at atlanta and new york, and not at branson, missouri, which averages less than one flight per hour. they didn't do that. they were counting -- i was in washington, dc for almost 15 years. you expect things to work out, expect to never have to cut. but the cuts are here but they don't get it. for next year's budget they asked for 100 more people, and three extra billion dollars for security, even though everyone else is cutting. they just don't get it. >> neil: they still have more personnel today than they had last year at this time, putting that aside, i guess the upshot for people traveling this summer is, regardless of who to blame and what to blame, you're going
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to be waiting. right? >> you are -- you may be. what they need to do is get a happen on what the traffic is going to be like, and what is going to happen now is the passenger protection rule of the two-hour tarmac delay and three-hour tower delay, two hours and three hours you get off the plane. that's going to run into this. so major airports will probably see the delays. the airports -- the towers they said they were going to close and not closing yet, those people won't even notice it. and by the way, the ground stops are the saving grace. they keep you save. we don't want planes stacked and holding over new york and they'll give a measure of distance and separation for the planes. >> neil: all right. sequestration, the gift that keeps giving. thank you very much. in the meantime, pat is fired up and. >> this is what this -- this is
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a war on the american people. let's understand it is part of a political agenda, just as mary was just saying about the department, the faa not telling with this. they have 50% more money. 50% more controllers' money for them -- no. no. here's the deal. they didn't do it on purpose. just like the white house tours were closed? the president's game -- i this before -- never have i seen a president whose attitude is let them eat cake and hurt the american people. this is a political policy to cause pain for the american people. when ronald reagan had the fight with the air controllers and fired them all, 1981, arch said system would fail, and he put military controllers in and everything, ad -- >> neil: this president doesn't have a backup plan. >> he rejected the authority to
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take the power, to do the right cut. one of the things, don't you want to keep airplanes in the air? if you can maximize pain whileow fly around on air force one, spending money, your children get to good to mexico -- >> neil: wouldn't he get the wrap and. >> sent. >> except the republicans have not laid the. basis down. they should have hauled the faa in and said why are you not doing this? some of the questions, your previous guest asks, other faa experts, this is a purposeful thing and why are you applying them this way? neal neil the agencies had the right to cut where and how. >> right. they did this because it it's political mandate to hurt the american people because the president believes this is the way he gets more penning, -- moe spending and, the run --
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republicans have led him do that. people who don't have private plane0s government jets are not going to be happy and at the truth will come out, just like it backfiren on the white house tour. washington is a up to imperfectous to the american -- imperfect e perfectous to the american people. >> neil: do you think the sequestration thing -- i have looked at the fa a's budget his is actually slowing the increase in the hiring of them to say nothing of the tsa, homeland security, more money than a year ago. le leaving that aside, that the argument gets -- that, in other words, sequestration, sequestration, sequestration, sequestration was forever ago and still -- >> at it so small. it is -- this is the effort to continue, we must have more and more government, more and more employees. the people know that isn't true. they're going to get affected. but the case needs to be made to
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them. what i keep wondering is where is the narrative that says why are we spending on this and not spending on this? why are we not cutting this and not being smart? and why isn't the president saying i'm going to do everything i can. the congress passed this crazy madness -- >> neil: they also gave him the discretion 0 weighed range of areas to cut. eave agency has obviously huge amount of dollars under it control and they said to the president, that's did in the last budget agreement, more pre prerogative. >> he is in pursuit of a political agenda. this is -- this is disingenuousness for getting pup and attacking people, but to do this on purpose to do it for a political agenda, is unheard of -- >> neil: the pup republicans are happening -- >> they cooperate get themselves out of a wet paper bag. the fact we're here anyway. the cut is, what, 5% of a gloat
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bloated budget. but that why i said go -- let's call them up and just take the budget and solve it. you and i could do it in two hours. >> neil: not even. >> 30 minutes probably because you're a genius. >> neil: no. at it easier than it looks. we'll have more right of this. ♪
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>> our neighbors to the north facing a terror plot that could have gone south. canadian officials detailing that they uncovered a plot intended to kill hundreds of canadian and american commuters by blowing up a bridge, and while it's not connected to boston, security expert says it's a reminder of the constant threats we face. they say not connected but they're talking about al qaeda influences here in the canadian case. what are we to make of this? >> ever since 9/11 there's been a drum beat and a cadence where every year we have one or two different threats here that we thinking associated with, influenced by, have some maybe vague connection with overseas influence, and we know them by the names such as the shoe bomber or the underwear bomber or the times square bomber. some of these have been plots that were only foiled because the beens didn't go off or
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because of alert citizens. some have been fbi sting plot. the federal reserve bank, we talk about that. so they continue to come at us, and various shapes and forms. we have had even the year before that we had bombs being sent in the form of ink cartridges. so it this will be continuing for the future. >> neil: what makes the boston case stand out is it was not your usual terrorist attack we expect in the united states so that's created fears about, are we safe? are we safe at parades? safe pretty much anywhere people gather? the folks at macy's and elsewhere, the parades, they're looking at how everything is put out in the security for those events. >> sure, and actually i know, we were working with clients who
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have been involved in major world sporting events, and the sponsors where you're sending or their employees to these events. very much concerned. even before boston, these could be the stages in which terrorists were acting. going back to 1972 and the olympic terror attacks in. >> neil: is it now a front burner issue now along with trying to blow up a train, to make an impactful statement? all of the above? >> i think they are and if you look across the board at incidents or planned incidents, ones that people are paying attention to ranged from dallas to places in oregon, to here on the east coast, and they take different forms. so there's kind of this asymmetric kind of attack plan, but they're trying to fine the weakest points.
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so people who are organizing the major events, whether they be sporting events or some other event like a parade or times square, new year's celebration, it has to be looked at in the context this could be the sites where someone wants to carry out an act because of its large scale impact on the psyche, because more people are gathered and resulting in costs and planning going into protecting these events. >> neil: thank you very much. in the meantime, 9/11, not on boston streets, not on wall street. folks there weren't a whole lot different than folks here. they kept their cool. actually the whole country did. why no cash dash in this later terror clash? after this. [ male announcer ] straight from red lobster's chefs to your table for a limited time! it's our seafood dinner for two for just 25 dollars! a handcrafted seafood feast made to share. first you each get salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. then choose two from a wide variety
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you see, we're doing some changing of our own. ah, we can talk about it later. we're putting the wonder back into air travel, one innovation at a time. the new american is arriving.
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>> neil: maybe this is why they call it a stock market and not the shock market, because while most of us were glued to our tvs watching the events in boston, most traders were look at other stuff and not folding at all. charles on what -- not so in charge or not so extremely worried. it wasn't terror. it was other stuff. >> friday we sort of traded in sympathy initially in the morning with the overarcking feel of the country. there was this somber -- plus there was some economic numbers
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that were disappointing, and what was interesting, lose 890 points on the do you on friday. you say maybe it's reflective of overall resolve. but today, down 90 points, and the mark made a pretty impressive move. when you see up 19 points, you shrug your shoulders until you learn we were down 90 and didn't look great. cat piller had a ibeganning at the egg of an earnings report but the ceo said things are getting better. >> neil: there was this moment of silence today at the exact minute of the attacks a week later. i always hazard this view, had this attack been bigger and a larger bid count, or the culprits had not been apprehended as quickly as they appear to have bening are might have been different. were already concerned about
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earnings reports but could have been worse. >> no doubt about it. particularly going into the weekend. the overarching sense on friday is these guys were going to be captured. the noose was tightening -- >> neil: one brother already dead. >> monday morning we would have a i gigantic sigh of relief and then hopefully not a network out there just a couple guys who decided to do this devastating horrific thing on their own, out at least not with any organization in the united states. >> neil: and then we get the canadian thing. reports of sporadic investigations, part of the noise we get idea to post 9/11. have the markets moved on? >> we were saying a long time we had a hell of a wakeup call a week ago, and we're getting a little sanguine again. that might be good because
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ultimately the idea of terrorists is for us never to feel good about ourselves or never have any comfort. so maybe you can argue the pendulum is swinging too quickly but we want that pendulum to swing back to where we were a week ago. >> neil: thank you very much. meanwhile, camera -- let's say look up and small because the cameras are not coming down anytime soon. ♪ [ male announcer ] just when you thought you had experienced performance a new ride comes along and changes everything. this is the pursuit of perfection. tens of thousands of dollars in hidden fees on their 401(k)s?! go to e-trade and roll over your old 401(k)s to a new e-trade retirement account. none of them charge annual fees and all of them offer low cost investments. e-trade. less for us. more for you.
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>> neil: ignore all those cameras. they're here for a your own good. a week after they helped catch the bad guys, neil richard says it's no excuse to keep spying on us. but i was talking about this with folks earlier today.
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no one is talking about privacy anymore, and i think that's a bad thing. we're all interested in saving lives but i don't know if the lights and -- need to start intruding on people's lives. >> i think it's very important to draw a distinction between extraordinary circumstances like last week and ordinary circumstances like hopefully we'll have this week and the next week. privacy matters in all of those cases. obviously when there are dangerous criminals on the loose the police into have a free hand for the duration of the emergency but when the emergency ends i think people want to get back to normal. they want the lockdown to expend return to their wonderful private lives. >> neil: i don't think that's ever the case. if they want to reconstruct you -- let's say we got the wrong guy. it's not guilty. extremely unlikely. they have reconstructed his electronic footprint to make the case. just like they could have made the case with the same type of
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technology against richard jewel after the atlanta olympic bombing. different technology, different team. he was later ex-on rated and they went after someone else but you can get ahead of your yourself, can't you? >> we have to be very careful when we're talking about surveillance technology. it's one thing to talk about cameras on the street, the camera that got so much press. it's quite another to talk about our internet histories and when we're talking about those very private information, i think we do want to have a warrant before the police can access it, possibly even during emergencies when the judges are more likely to grant it if the police have a legitimate law enforcement need. with shouldn't aloe the police or other officials cart blanc to dip into our lives. >> we risk that by putting it all online, don't we? >> i think not necessarily. there's a difference between saying we tell someone a secret
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or fact and saying that information is public to everybody. i'm a lawyer. i teach lawyers. and the attorney-client privilege -- >> a lawyer who teaches lawyer, that i'mly -- momly makes you suspect. finish. >> absolutely. >> neil: i'm -- thank you very much. we'll watch closely because the genie is out of the bottle. tamerlan might have just gotten on our radar last week but what if i told you he was on the radar a few years ago. what they completed missed then, what tamerlan said and did. monica, what do you make of the fbi reportedly talked to him. didn't even know the trips he was taking to russia and chechneya. >> well, i'm a big champion of law enforcement at all levels. big champion of the fbi but i have to say as more and more
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details come out i'm increasingly disappointed because there were a number of serious lapses with this guy. 20-20 retrospect is always perfect -- >> neil: hundreds of thousands of tips. >> they have done an extraordinary job since 9/11. all of that said there were enough red flags with this particular guy that there should have been a more proper and intense focus on him. remember, 2009, he is arrested on a domestic battery charge. we could have deported him then. we did not. different agency. >> did delay his citizenship. >> remember the timeline, neil. 2011, the russian government, the russian government of all people, right? asks the u.s. government, the fbi to take a closer look at this guy because they suspect he has very intense islamic radical ties. fbi opens a file on him. goes and talks to him, interviews him, closes the file, says there's no evidence. >> neil: what can they do?
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understand they have suspicions, seems weird. what do you do? >> probably couldn't do anything at that point but there was a fail that existed on him after that initial interview and after that foreign government had called our attention to him. in the boston area where he was living. then the situation comes home because then he goes to russia january last year, stays six months. we know during athlete time he went into chechneya and possibly met with one of the top islamic terrorists who since dodd in a shootout with russian police, about met with him six times in a mosque. so as recently then as six months ago, november of last year, once again, you had russian intelligence calling the fbi's attention to this guy, saying, here's what we suspect. the story has just gotten a lot murkier, and possibly a lot more dangerous. keep your eye on this guy. tell us what you know about him. and the fbi never responded. so there were a lot of serious
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missed opportunities here. >> neil: as there were before 9/11. >> absolutely. >> neil: never learn. we do catch on. we have to be 100%. the bad guys only once. >> you can argue that prior to 9/11 we didn't have the track record or understanding. now there is no excuse. >> neil: all right. thank you. very, very much. so much more we're going to find out, and i don't think we've even scratched the surface. meanwhile, the inflict terror, leave us terrified, and seems to forever terrorist. why is so it hard to simply call them terrorists? why are we playing semantics with lunacy? but we can still help you see your big picture. with the fidelity guided portfolio summary, you choose which accounts to track and use fidelity's analytics to spot trends, gain insights, and figure out what you want to do next.
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>> like you, i never understood the mind 70 a terrorist orie luck tent to use the word terrorist. it is like my doctor when he tries to say a nice way of saying i'm too fat. neil, you could afford to lose a couple pounds. i know he is thinking more like a couple of hundred. but that is human nature. to air on the side of nice. we are doing so with loon gnaw particulars who are not so nice. don't get me wrong. i am the last to jump to conclusions and i commend the president when this boston tragedy hit apartmently pointing out it was an act of terror. i thought he had great restraint. it is not easy being consoler
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in chief. president obama has had to play that role one too many times. he does it well. what disturbs me is our collective reluctance to take on the disturbed whether homegrown or not. when you kill innocent people are you a terrorist. you terrorize. you are terrifying. i think terrorist is a leap too few take, especially in the media, because too many find the word terrorist too much to take. i understand the fear that we do not want to paint whole peoples with the same brush, but i do find it a little odd we have no such trouble painting the well to do with the whole fat cat brush or those who question climate change with the whole ignorant fringe brush. that's another brush. that's another issue. here is my issue, when you call someone a terrorist, you are not saying they are al-qaeda or chechen or basque separatist or any separatist. you say thought who kill
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innocent civilians automatically makes them terrorists. we are good people. we are a very good people. we are trying to be nice and diplomatic, but we are dealing with savages who would sooner see us nice and dead. we are trying too hard. and they are trying just as hard to make sure we keep trying to be nice. meanwhile tonight at 8:00 p.m. on fbn, he filibustered for 12 hours over drones and an administration he said was invading our privacy to do god thoughs what. god knows what. now we had an act of terror and one supposedly stopped north of our border. what does ron paul say now? no time to filibuster. the senator is with me and only me on fbn. you don't get it? >> demand it.


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